2024-05-06 00:51:37 filebench -f /lkp/benchmarks/filebench/share/filebench/workloads/fileserver.f Filebench Version 1.5-alpha3 0.000: Allocated 177MB of shared memory 0.001: File-server Version 3.0 personality successfully loaded 0.001: Populating and pre-allocating filesets 0.005: bigfileset populated: 10000 files, avg. dir. width = 20, avg. dir. depth = 3.1, 0 leafdirs, 1240.757MB total size 0.005: Removing bigfileset tree (if exists) 0.006: Pre-allocating directories in bigfileset tree 0.013: Pre-allocating files in bigfileset tree 0.224: Waiting for pre-allocation to finish (in case of a parallel pre-allocation) 0.224: Population and pre-allocation of filesets completed 0.224: Starting 1 filereader instances 1.227: Running... 6.227: Run took 5 seconds... 6.227: Shutting down processes 2024-05-06 00:51:45 sleep 100 2024-05-06 00:53:25 rm -rf /fs/sdd1/*