2024-08-07 08:59:52 depmod 2024-08-07 08:59:52 sleep 300 2024-08-07 09:04:52 rmmod rcutorture [ 27.563787] srcu-torture:--- Start of test: nreaders=1 nfakewriters=4 stat_interval=60 verbose=1 test_no_idle_hz=1 shuffle_interval=3 stutter=5 irqreader=1 fqs_duration=0 fqs_holdoff=0 fqs_stutter=3 test_boost=1/0 test_boost_interval=7 test_boost_duration=4 shutdown_secs=0 stall_cpu=0 stall_cpu_holdoff=10 stall_cpu_irqsoff=0 stall_cpu_block=0 n_barrier_cbs=0 onoff_interval=3 onoff_holdoff=30 read_exit_delay=13 read_exit_burst=16 nocbs_nthreads=0 nocbs_toggle=1000 test_nmis=0 [ 27.594883] srcu-torture: Creating rcu_torture_writer task [ 27.624108] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_writer task started [ 27.624183] srcu-torture: Creating rcu_torture_fakewriter task [ 27.634149] srcu-torture: Creating rcu_torture_fakewriter task [ 27.750711] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fakewriter task started [ 27.752120] srcu-torture: Creating rcu_torture_fakewriter task [ 27.753227] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fakewriter task started [ 27.754666] srcu-torture: Creating rcu_torture_fakewriter task [ 27.755755] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fakewriter task started [ 27.764262] srcu-torture: Creating rcu_torture_reader task [ 27.765366] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fakewriter task started [ 27.766586] srcu-torture: Creating rcu_torture_stats task [ 27.767683] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_reader task started [ 27.774505] srcu-torture: Creating torture_shuffle task [ 27.775685] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_stats task started [ 27.784799] srcu-torture: Creating torture_stutter task [ 27.785031] srcu-torture: torture_shuffle task started [ 27.785945] srcu-torture: Creating torture_onoff task [ 27.787940] srcu-torture: torture_stutter task started [ 27.794278] srcu-torture: Creating rcu_torture_fwd_prog task [ 27.794386] srcu-torture: torture_onoff task started [ 27.795480] srcu-torture: Creating rcu_torture_read_exit task [ 27.796392] srcu-torture: torture_onoff begin holdoff [ 27.797604] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fwd_progress task started [ 27.807824] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of test [ 27.808971] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 33.104059] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 46.634069] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 46.738901] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 57.804061] srcu-torture: torture_onoff end holdoff [ 60.474091] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 63.418989] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 77.265759] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 77.514201] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 87.834117] srcu-torture: rtc: 00000000aed8376e ver: 847 tfle: 0 rta: 847 rtaf: 0 rtf: 836 rtmbe: 0 rtmbkf: 0/0 rtbe: 0 rtbke: 0 rtbf: 0 rtb: 0 nt: 276 onoff: 97/98:98/98 6,23:4,38 899:823 (HZ=100) barrier: 0/0:0 read-exits: 64 nocb-toggles: 0:0 [ 87.837912] srcu-torture: Reader Pipe: 1133155 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 87.839115] srcu-torture: Reader Batch: 1133147 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 87.840397] srcu-torture: Free-Block Circulation: 846 846 845 844 842 840 839 838 837 836 0 [ 87.841964] rcu: srcu-torture: Tree SRCU g9393 state 0 (SRCU_SIZE_SMALL) per-CPU(idx=0): 0(-1,0 C) 1(1,0 .) T(0,0) [ 91.274091] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 92.884553] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 106.504288] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 106.521392] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 120.074844] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 122.739648] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 136.644086] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 136.647673] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 150.234253] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 152.474115] srcu-torture: rtc: 000000001448d783 ver: 1424 tfle: 0 rta: 1424 rtaf: 0 rtf: 1415 rtmbe: 0 rtmbkf: 0/0 rtbe: 0 rtbke: 0 rtbf: 0 rtb: 0 nt: 1139 onoff: 307/308:308/308 1,49:0,54 2646:2489 (HZ=100) barrier: 0/0:0 read-exits: 128 nocb-toggles: 0:0 [ 152.477869] srcu-torture: Reader Pipe: 5444780 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 152.479072] srcu-torture: Reader Batch: 5444743 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 152.480245] srcu-torture: Free-Block Circulation: 1423 1423 1422 1421 1420 1419 1418 1417 1416 1415 0 [ 152.481597] rcu: srcu-torture: Tree SRCU g16060 state 0 (SRCU_SIZE_SMALL) per-CPU(idx=1): 0(-2,-4 .) 1(2,4 .) T(0,0) [ 152.717679] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 166.234324] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 166.238473] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 179.834127] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 182.695127] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 196.234067] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 196.242770] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 209.754142] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 212.667073] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 213.914105] srcu-torture: rtc: 0000000027c86352 ver: 2051 tfle: 0 rta: 2052 rtaf: 0 rtf: 2038 rtmbe: 0 rtmbkf: 0/0 rtbe: 0 rtbke: 0 rtbf: 0 rtb: 0 nt: 2195 onoff: 490/491:491/491 1,49:0,66 4344:4064 (HZ=100) barrier: 0/0:0 read-exits: 208 nocb-toggles: 0:0 [ 213.918092] srcu-torture: Reader Pipe: 10528898 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 213.919399] srcu-torture: Reader Batch: 10528838 180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 213.920724] srcu-torture: Free-Block Circulation: 2051 2049 2048 2047 2046 2045 2044 2040 2039 2038 0 [ 213.922483] rcu: srcu-torture: Tree SRCU g23398 state 0 (SRCU_SIZE_SMALL) per-CPU(idx=0): 0(-5,-2 C) 1(6,2 .) T(1,0) [ 226.234135] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 226.250958] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 239.914160] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 243.038540] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 256.634091] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 256.637652] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 270.234119] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 272.758514] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 275.354051] srcu-torture: rtc: 000000006d631825 ver: 2582 tfle: 0 rta: 2583 rtaf: 0 rtf: 2572 rtmbe: 0 rtmbkf: 0/0 rtbe: 0 rtbke: 0 rtbf: 0 rtb: 0 nt: 3235 onoff: 683/683:683/683 1,55:0,66 6112:5779 (HZ=100) barrier: 0/0:0 read-exits: 272 nocb-toggles: 0:0 [ 275.357173] srcu-torture: Reader Pipe: 15615180 164 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 275.358245] srcu-torture: Reader Batch: 15615087 257 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 275.359305] srcu-torture: Free-Block Circulation: 2582 2581 2580 2579 2578 2577 2576 2575 2573 2572 0 [ 275.360827] rcu: srcu-torture: Tree SRCU g30152 state 0 (SRCU_SIZE_SMALL) per-CPU(idx=0): 0(-8,-2 C) 1(8,3 .) T(0,1) [ 286.400581] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 286.444335] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 300.074170] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 302.697174] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 316.474301] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 316.488724] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 327.865062] srcu-torture: Stopping torture_shuffle task [ 327.892919] srcu-torture: torture_shuffle is stopping [ 327.898932] srcu-torture: Stopping torture_stutter task [ 327.900169] srcu-torture: torture_stutter is stopping [ 327.901243] srcu-torture: Stopping torture_onoff task [ 327.902264] srcu-torture: torture_onoff is stopping [ 327.994280] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit is stopping [ 327.995466] srcu-torture: Stopping rcutorture_read_exit task [ 327.996585] srcu-torture: Stopping rcu_torture_fwd_prog task [ 332.657875] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_writer is stopping [ 332.659654] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fwd_prog is stopping [ 332.660597] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_reader is stopping [ 332.661445] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fakewriter is stopping [ 332.662331] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fakewriter is stopping [ 332.663239] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fakewriter is stopping [ 332.664099] srcu-torture: Stopping rcu_torture_writer task [ 332.672018] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fakewriter is stopping [ 332.690474] srcu-torture: Stopping rcu_torture_reader task [ 332.691543] srcu-torture: Stopping rcu_torture_fakewriter task [ 332.692563] srcu-torture: Stopping rcu_torture_fakewriter task [ 332.693590] srcu-torture: Stopping rcu_torture_fakewriter task [ 332.694916] srcu-torture: Stopping rcu_torture_fakewriter task [ 332.705116] srcu-torture: Stopping rcu_torture_stats task [ 332.710851] srcu-torture: rtc: 0000000000000000 VER: 3200 tfle: 0 rta: 3200 rtaf: 0 rtf: 3191 rtmbe: 0 rtmbkf: 0/0 rtbe: 0 rtbke: 0 rtbf: 0 rtb: 0 nt: 4170 onoff: 844/844:845/845 1,55:0,66 7662:7146 (HZ=100) barrier: 0/0:0 read-exits: 320 nocb-toggles: 0:0 [ 332.714647] srcu-torture: Reader Pipe: 20404211 228 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 332.722214] srcu-torture: Reader Batch: 20404091 348 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 332.723466] srcu-torture: Free-Block Circulation: 3199 3199 3198 3197 3196 3195 3194 3193 3192 3191 0 [ 332.728888] rcu: srcu-torture: Tree SRCU g36756 state 0 (SRCU_SIZE_SMALL) per-CPU(idx=1): 0(-1,-10 .) 1(1,10 .) T(0,0) [ 332.730855] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_stats is stopping [ 332.781021] srcu-torture: rtc: 0000000000000000 VER: 3200 tfle: 0 rta: 3200 rtaf: 0 rtf: 3191 rtmbe: 0 rtmbkf: 0/0 rtbe: 0 rtbke: 0 rtbf: 0 rtb: 0 nt: 4170 onoff: 844/844:845/845 1,55:0,66 7662:7146 (HZ=100) barrier: 0/0:0 read-exits: 320 nocb-toggles: 0:0 [ 332.787820] srcu-torture: Reader Pipe: 20404211 228 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 332.789721] srcu-torture: Reader Batch: 20404091 348 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 332.791900] srcu-torture: Free-Block Circulation: 3199 3199 3198 3197 3196 3195 3194 3193 3192 3191 0 [ 332.794578] rcu: srcu-torture: Tree SRCU g36756 state 0 (SRCU_SIZE_SMALL) per-CPU(idx=1): 0(-1,-10 .) 1(1,10 .) T(0,0) [ 332.797724] srcu-torture:--- End of test: SUCCESS: nreaders=1 nfakewriters=4 stat_interval=60 verbose=1 test_no_idle_hz=1 shuffle_interval=3 stutter=5 irqreader=1 fqs_duration=0 fqs_holdoff=0 fqs_stutter=3 test_boost=1/0 test_boost_interval=7 test_boost_duration=4 shutdown_secs=0 stall_cpu=0 stall_cpu_holdoff=10 stall_cpu_irqsoff=0 stall_cpu_block=0 n_barrier_cbs=0 onoff_interval=3 onoff_holdoff=30 read_exit_delay=13 read_exit_burst=16 nocbs_nthreads=0 nocbs_toggle=1000 test_nmis=0