2024-11-04 17:42:58 depmod 2024-11-04 17:44:01 sleep 300 2024-11-04 17:49:01 rmmod rcutorture [ 94.417668] srcu-torture:--- Start of test: nreaders=1 nfakewriters=4 stat_interval=60 verbose=1 test_no_idle_hz=1 shuffle_interval=3 stutter=5 irqreader=1 fqs_duration=0 fqs_holdoff=0 fqs_stutter=3 test_boost=1/0 test_boost_interval=7 test_boost_duration=4 shutdown_secs=0 stall_cpu=0 stall_cpu_holdoff=10 stall_cpu_irqsoff=0 stall_cpu_block=0 stall_cpu_repeat=0 n_barrier_cbs=0 onoff_interval=0 onoff_holdoff=0 read_exit_delay=13 read_exit_burst=16 reader_flavor=1 nocbs_nthreads=0 nocbs_toggle=1000 test_nmis=0 preempt_duration=0 preempt_interval=1000 [ 94.453374] srcu-torture: Creating rcu_torture_writer task [ 94.456933] srcu-torture: Creating rcu_torture_fakewriter task [ 94.457752] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_writer task started [ 94.458801] srcu-torture: Creating rcu_torture_fakewriter task [ 94.459765] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fakewriter task started [ 94.461114] srcu-torture: Creating rcu_torture_fakewriter task [ 94.462346] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fakewriter task started [ 94.487040] srcu-torture: Creating rcu_torture_fakewriter task [ 94.487948] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fakewriter task started [ 94.489270] srcu-torture: Creating rcu_torture_reader task [ 94.489992] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fakewriter task started [ 94.497675] srcu-torture: Creating rcu_torture_stats task [ 94.498556] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_reader task started [ 94.543218] srcu-torture: Creating torture_shuffle task [ 94.544510] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_stats task started [ 94.559381] srcu-torture: Creating torture_stutter task [ 94.559414] srcu-torture: torture_shuffle task started [ 94.567377] srcu-torture: Creating rcu_torture_fwd_prog task [ 94.567413] srcu-torture: torture_stutter task started [ 94.567748] srcu-torture: Creating rcu_torture_read_exit task [ 94.567772] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fwd_progress task started [ 94.568324] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of test [ 94.568329] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 99.693294] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 113.518440] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 113.541483] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 126.926824] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 129.619636] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 142.996494] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 143.039972] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 155.982873] srcu-torture: rtc: 3c8cf2fe ver: 571 tfle: 0 rta: 571 rtaf: 0 rtf: 562 rtmbe: 0 rtmbkf: 0/0 rtbe: 0 rtbke: 0 rtbf: 0 rtb: 0 nt: 1399 onoff: 0/0:0/0 -1,0:-1,0 0:0 (HZ=250) barrier: 0/0:0 read-exits: 64 nocb-toggles: 0:0 [ 155.985791] srcu-torture: Reader Pipe: 2799759 134 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 155.986946] srcu-torture: Reader Batch: 2799687 206 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 155.994134] srcu-torture: Free-Block Circulation: 570 570 569 568 567 566 565 564 563 562 0 [ 155.995564] rcu: srcu-torture: Tree SRCU g7160 state 0 (SRCU_SIZE_SMALL) per-CPU(idx=0): 0(-2,0 .) 1(2,0 .) T(0,0) [ 156.430811] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 159.874295] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 173.353225] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 173.414622] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 186.830838] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 190.246329] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 203.662811] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 203.670005] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 217.010850] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 217.422944] srcu-torture: rtc: 9ed7872c ver: 1202 tfle: 0 rta: 1202 rtaf: 0 rtf: 1193 rtmbe: 0 rtmbkf: 0/0 rtbe: 0 rtbke: 0 rtbf: 0 rtb: 0 nt: 2714 onoff: 0/0:0/0 -1,0:-1,0 0:0 (HZ=250) barrier: 0/0:0 read-exits: 128 nocb-toggles: 0:0 [ 217.425784] srcu-torture: Reader Pipe: 4955237 214 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 217.426944] srcu-torture: Reader Batch: 4955113 338 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 217.427937] srcu-torture: Free-Block Circulation: 1201 1201 1200 1199 1198 1197 1196 1195 1194 1193 0 [ 217.429298] rcu: srcu-torture: Tree SRCU g15452 state 0 (SRCU_SIZE_SMALL) per-CPU(idx=1): 0(0,-2 .) 1(0,2 .) T(0,0) [ 220.224056] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 233.711904] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 233.875606] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 247.342954] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 250.255878] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 263.641633] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 263.800304] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 277.236698] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 278.866830] srcu-torture: rtc: 72719da7 ver: 1845 tfle: 0 rta: 1845 rtaf: 0 rtf: 1836 rtmbe: 0 rtmbkf: 0/0 rtbe: 0 rtbke: 0 rtbf: 0 rtb: 0 nt: 4176 onoff: 0/0:0/0 -1,0:-1,0 0:0 (HZ=250) barrier: 0/0:0 read-exits: 192 nocb-toggles: 0:0 [ 278.869819] srcu-torture: Reader Pipe: 7767909 327 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 278.871080] srcu-torture: Reader Batch: 7767710 526 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 278.877105] srcu-torture: Free-Block Circulation: 1844 1844 1843 1842 1841 1840 1839 1838 1837 1836 0 [ 278.878427] rcu: srcu-torture: Tree SRCU g24428 state 0 (SRCU_SIZE_SMALL) per-CPU(idx=1): 0(-3,0 .) 1(3,0 .) T(0,0) [ 280.408071] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 294.030930] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 294.128608] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 307.502886] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 310.456292] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 323.901502] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 323.981172] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 337.390834] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 340.306853] srcu-torture: rtc: b6f05095 ver: 2416 tfle: 0 rta: 2416 rtaf: 0 rtf: 2407 rtmbe: 0 rtmbkf: 0/0 rtbe: 0 rtbke: 0 rtbf: 0 rtb: 0 nt: 5601 onoff: 0/0:0/0 -1,0:-1,0 0:0 (HZ=250) barrier: 0/0:0 read-exits: 256 nocb-toggles: 0:0 [ 340.309659] srcu-torture: Reader Pipe: 10626967 465 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 340.310651] srcu-torture: Reader Batch: 10626738 694 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 340.320079] srcu-torture: Free-Block Circulation: 2415 2415 2414 2413 2412 2411 2410 2409 2408 2407 0 [ 340.321459] rcu: srcu-torture: Tree SRCU g32704 state 0 (SRCU_SIZE_SMALL) per-CPU(idx=0): 0(-1,-1 .) 1(1,1 .) T(0,0) [ 340.406642] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 353.852723] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 353.861799] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 367.310849] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 370.431772] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 383.827262] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: Start of episode [ 384.018141] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit: End of episode [ 394.661736] srcu-torture: Stopping torture_shuffle task [ 394.677324] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fakewriter is stopping [ 394.677349] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fakewriter is stopping [ 394.678855] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_reader is stopping [ 394.678907] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_writer is stopping [ 394.678943] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fakewriter is stopping [ 394.691784] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fakewriter is stopping [ 394.695834] srcu-torture: torture_shuffle is stopping [ 394.695991] srcu-torture: Stopping torture_stutter task [ 394.696031] srcu-torture: torture_stutter is stopping [ 395.411123] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_read_exit is stopping [ 395.412094] srcu-torture: Stopping rcutorture_read_exit task [ 395.413100] srcu-torture: Stopping rcu_torture_fwd_prog task [ 396.431681] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_fwd_prog is stopping [ 396.432724] srcu-torture: Stopping rcu_torture_writer task [ 396.433759] srcu-torture: Stopping rcu_torture_reader task [ 396.436937] srcu-torture: Stopping rcu_torture_fakewriter task [ 396.449583] srcu-torture: Stopping rcu_torture_fakewriter task [ 396.451265] srcu-torture: Stopping rcu_torture_fakewriter task [ 396.452556] srcu-torture: Stopping rcu_torture_fakewriter task [ 396.455281] srcu-torture: Stopping rcu_torture_stats task [ 396.456839] srcu-torture: rtc: 00000000 VER: 3003 tfle: 0 rta: 3003 rtaf: 0 rtf: 2992 rtmbe: 0 rtmbkf: 0/0 rtbe: 0 rtbke: 0 rtbf: 0 rtb: 0 nt: 6676 onoff: 0/0:0/0 -1,0:-1,0 0:0 (HZ=250) barrier: 0/0:0 read-exits: 320 nocb-toggles: 0:0 [ 396.461271] srcu-torture: Reader Pipe: 12286307 526 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 396.462781] srcu-torture: Reader Batch: 12286027 806 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 396.463779] srcu-torture: Free-Block Circulation: 3002 3001 3000 2999 2997 2996 2995 2994 2993 2992 0 [ 396.465112] rcu: srcu-torture: Tree SRCU g40400 state 0 (SRCU_SIZE_SMALL) per-CPU(idx=0): 0(-2,-1 .) 1(2,1 .) T(0,0) [ 396.466592] srcu-torture: rcu_torture_stats is stopping [ 396.555744] srcu-torture: rtc: 00000000 VER: 3003 tfle: 0 rta: 3003 rtaf: 0 rtf: 2992 rtmbe: 0 rtmbkf: 0/0 rtbe: 0 rtbke: 0 rtbf: 0 rtb: 0 nt: 6676 onoff: 0/0:0/0 -1,0:-1,0 0:0 (HZ=250) barrier: 0/0:0 read-exits: 320 nocb-toggles: 0:0 [ 396.558431] srcu-torture: Reader Pipe: 12286307 526 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 396.559456] srcu-torture: Reader Batch: 12286027 806 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [ 396.560425] srcu-torture: Free-Block Circulation: 3002 3001 3000 2999 2997 2996 2995 2994 2993 2992 0 [ 396.561719] rcu: srcu-torture: Tree SRCU g40400 state 0 (SRCU_SIZE_SMALL) per-CPU(idx=0): 0(-2,-1 .) 1(2,1 .) T(0,0) [ 396.588730] srcu-torture:--- End of test: SUCCESS: nreaders=1 nfakewriters=4 stat_interval=60 verbose=1 test_no_idle_hz=1 shuffle_interval=3 stutter=5 irqreader=1 fqs_duration=0 fqs_holdoff=0 fqs_stutter=3 test_boost=1/0 test_boost_interval=7 test_boost_duration=4 shutdown_secs=0 stall_cpu=0 stall_cpu_holdoff=10 stall_cpu_irqsoff=0 stall_cpu_block=0 stall_cpu_repeat=0 n_barrier_cbs=0 onoff_interval=0 onoff_holdoff=0 read_exit_delay=13 read_exit_burst=16 reader_flavor=1 nocbs_nthreads=0 nocbs_toggle=1000 test_nmis=0 preempt_duration=0 preempt_interval=1000